Until recently there was no wildlife rehabilitation facility in the Northern Cape province dedicated to treating pangolins. Injured pangolins in the region were previously transported to rehabilitation facilities in other provinces of South Africa. Rehabilitating pangolins (and other wildlife) in their home range also means they can be released as quickly as possible and into an environment familiar to them.
The owner and manager of the facility, Machel, is a trained veterinary nurse with more than 30 years of experience with rehabilitating wild animals and birds including pangolins, aardwolves, bat-eared foxes and raptors. You can read more about her and her team here.
The rehabilitation facility is committed to maintaining high standards of animal care through knowledge and understanding of each individual animal. We have established strong relationships with other wildlife rehabilitation experts in the field, and engage with them on an ongoing basis, to share knowledge and discuss best practice, and treatment plans. We also collect data during rehabilitation and release to contribute towards further scientific research on pangolins.
Our guiding philosophy is to return animals back to the wild as soon as possible and to minimise interaction with them, keeping them in a wild environment. Young animals can be susceptible to imprinting on a human and may be compromised if handled too much. Should release back into the wild not be possible, we will always do what is in the best interest of the animal. Please note that for security reasons all pangolins in our care are kept off-site at night. We also never disclose the date and exact location of our pangolin releases.